Sure, you’re nervous and you’ve got your clan around you and you soooo want to celebrate your ‘last night single’. Here’s some tips for the night before your big day -
Eat a good meal - yep, enjoy yourself. Carbs are GOOD. Why not order in or get it catered? And plan a good breakfast too.
Check the weather - will it be windy? Does anything need to be tied down? Changed? If you have a veil will it be secure/smart to still wear it in the wind? What about rain? Is the wet weather plan B ready to go? Got extra umbrellas? Will it be super-hot? Is there shade? Water available? Will there be elderly guests that may be affected?
Wear in your wedding shoes - I know you want to keep them perfect but if you don’t wear them in they will KILL you. Wear them around the house and pop them on night before too. Check the soles aren’t going to be slippery. Do you have a backup pair of flats in case they get super painful?
Got to eat before the ceremony – even though you might not feel like it, definitely get some food organised for before the ceremony. Breakfast or brunch - just get food into you. Why not order some picnic boxes that you can take with you? Pop them in an Esky and keep in the wedding cars. Get decent food/snacks, not just booze or you could ruin your day. From makeup to ceremony to photos to reception could be HOURS. You’ll all be starving and you don’t want yourself or anyone else to faint.
Get a good nights sleep – seems basic but last minute things or stress might make it hard. Pop a pill if you have to otherwise not only will you look tired the next day but your energy may run out and it can be a looooong day. And no body wants a hangover AND a late night to be the thing they most regret about their wedding.
Set an alarm – again seems basic but can be so easy to miss with all the things happening on the day of your wedding and you don’t want to start behind and stressed.
Got phone numbers? Do you have the phone numbers of your vendors in case you are running late or get lost? If might be hard to contact your soon-to-be partner but I guarantee your celebrant will won’t to know if you are running late or even worse YOU MOVED THE CEREMONY…….
Take time during the day – stop – breathe – make sure you steal your new husband/wife away during the day and just take a minute together. I hear all the time how quickly the whole thing passed. Try to remember to stop, breathe, enjoy and hug that new spouse of yours.
Remember that things don’t always go to plan, no matter how well you plan or strategise. Just try to breathe, smile and laugh about it if something happens. You’ve hired professionals so let them step in and sort things out.
And don’t forget HAVE A BLOODY GOOD DAY. It goes super fast, try to stop and enjoy it.
Drop me a line and enquire if I am available – https://www.joboothcelebrant.com.au/contact